This is a decent start. I also think we should declare gender-affirming care experimental therapy and erase any reference to gender identity as a protected class and, instead use clear definitions of male and female.

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"Stop pronouns madness and social transition in schools. Schools should use birth names and biological sex, it's that simple. When kids grow up, then they can call themselves whatever they want."

Hear, hear!

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Thank you for the great suggestions. I agree with all of them. Curious how you think we can approach the last task. It seems nearly impossible since we’ve already let the cat out of the bag on this, no?

It seems all medical schools are now run by student and trainee activists, promoted by their administrators and some (young) attendings. And no one with any authority on medical education is pushing back.

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Did you know that the first gender reassignmentnursery took place at John Hopkins? Did you know that Dr. John Money sexually abused the Reimer twins at John Hopkins and he was never disavowed? John Hopkins medical center and all of those Drs are part of the problem!

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Yes, we need to look at money flows and how universities sponsored this gender madness.

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We have a great medical school at the University of South Florida, so all is not lost. Yes, the do no harm group is starting the push back but there is a lot to do.

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Federal grants are the means by which so much of our institutions are funded. Will be interesting to see how far back all this will be cut. Can it be surgically done?

Look for all the federal grants awarded by the NIH for starters.

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NPR should be defunded out of existence and replaced by a public radio network with no government funding and a mandate for politically neutral reporting. It shouldn't be a mouthpiece for any ideology.

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There's a lot to learn from this article; I will look into this information.

My 12 year old came home from school with ROGD two years ago. I'm a teacher. I watched ROGD come about in my community. Even though my husband and I disparage this at home, the school perseveres, and the lack of transparency is disturbing. The conversation with you and Benjamin Boyce did an excellent job teasing out distorted thinking in the Queer Theory, getting to the root of the infection, and the matter of what's appropriate for children.

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If I were the parent, I would engage in every conceivable form of civil disobedience to call attention to the outrage that is gender ideology indoctrination in our schools. Of course, it is easy for me to say this since I am childless and am not part of a community of parents. It is easy for me to have false courage when I have nothing at stake. I empathize with you and admire your fortitude in dealing with it.

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When your child is involved, you’re going through stages with them where they naturally pull away. There’s too much at risk when it’s your relationship with your child that’s being threatened and usurped. It’s like walking a tight rope. There’s no easy way to broach the topic with people who think differently.

Satire is the answer.

Check out the website called Queer Majority.

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This is an excellent, reasoned collection of suggestions. Let every reader promote them!

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No one should from John Hopkins should be involved with the DHHS. One main reason Dr.John Money. John Hopkins NEVER disavowed his work the 1st gender reassignment clinic was at John Hopkins. Why would you encourage anyone from the very hospital that started chemically castrating children to be part of the DHHS? She is a wolf in sheeps clothing. John Hopkins never apologized for the evils that they allowed Dr. JOHN Money to commit against the Reimer twins he sexually molested the twins at John Hopkins so NO!!! Also John Hopkins Spar pandemic scrimmage was the goal post that was used by thevBlue State during the pandemic even down to vaccine injury protocol. So NO ONE from John Hopkins should be involved.there is nothing non partisan about John Hopkins.

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Nov 11Edited

Johns Hopkins also had Paul McHugh, who, in 1979, shut down the gender identity clinic at Johns Hopkins. He argued - correctly, as per empirical research - that even though the people who underwent surgery said that they did not regret it, "they were little changed in their psychological condition. They had much the same problems with relationships, work, and emotions as before. The hope that they would emerge now from their emotional difficulties to flourish psychologically had not been fulfilled."

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Yes. But unfortunately there were attempts to smear Dr. McHugh’s legacy and reputation as a result of his decision. Johns Hopkins subsequently reinstated its gender clinic and booted Dr. McHugh from his post as its Chief of the Department of Psychiatry.

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Enact a federal Statute of Limitations of 30 years for any Gender Affirming treatment.

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Nov 11Edited

I like all the suggestions. One modification would be on the cost-benefit analysis part. To make this a truly bipartisan effort, we should look at the cost benefit analysis of all of American medicine. We spend too much per capita on medicine and get too little for it, and still do not cover everyone. We are ranked 69th in the world (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1376359/health-and-health-system-ranking-of-countries-worldwide/) in terms of a combined health index score, which is calculated by evaluating various indicators that assess the health of the population, and access to the services required to sustain good health, including health outcomes, health systems, sickness and risk factors, and mortality rates. One small example in the overall scheme of things: Novo Nordisk lists Wegovy for $1,349 a month in the U.S. while this same exact product can be purchased for just $186 in Denmark. This is data from Bernie Sanders' office - https://www.sanders.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/Wegovy-report-FINAL.pdf. This is Denmark we are talking about - the country where Novo Nordisk is from! If even just *half* of the waste in healthcare is stopped, that's 5% of our GDP. $1.4 trillion. That's trillion with a T. Imagine how that money could be unleashed for technological innovations or improving our skillset. Or anything else.

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Totally agree, our medical system is full of waste. So much low value care. We can do better. I have a bunch of ideas, so let’s see.

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Seems like some solid and pragmatic recommendations. However, I might suggest that Job One is to deal with the too ubiquitous conflation of sex and gender. For example, see this 2018 NYTimes article -- share linked -- on Trump's intended policies then:

"'Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration": https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/21/us/politics/transgender-trump-administration-sex-definition.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Yk4.Q1AU.uRXOR9e8GUkf&smid=url-share

For example, the NYTimes authors and the DHHS are unclear on the difference:

"The department argued in its memo that key government agencies needed to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of gender as determined 'on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.' ...."

Apropos of which, you might have some interest in this post by a doctor, author of "Born in the Right Body":

"How conflation of sex and gender became a tool of transgender ideology": https://lascapigliata.com/2018/03/27/how-conflation-of-sex-and-gender-became-a-tool-of-transgender-ideology/

Related thereto, my several comments on therapist Stella O'Malley's Substack:




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Great suggestions. Agree that the adults in the room need to take back control of language.

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Gender Reassignment surgery is a money grab. Gender Reassignment on children is obscene and form of sexual abuse. Look up Dr.John Money and John Hopkins and the Reimer twins and NO not on Google. Really go old school and you will find out the truth. John Hopkins had the first gender Reassignment clinic. Dr. Money sexually abused the twins at John Hopkins and NOT once did J.H. disavow that man. The twins died tragically one by a bullet and the other one by a drug OD.

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"sex-change" -- quote/unquote.

No one changes sex, and it is just contributing to that "Big Lie" to use that phrase without enclosing it in big 24 pt. flashing neon scare quotes.

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Also what about the requirements for psychologists to affirm gender identity? It has been a while since I read about it but I understand that most psychologists are required by their state licensing institution to affirm whatever gender identity their patient voices. Is that correct and if so can this requirement be removed? What else can be done to protect kids from psychologists? It would be nice if kids could be protected from psychologists who believe someone can be born in the wrong body. In the meantime parents like me avoid seeking mental health care for our children .

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Yes, the professional organizations dictates and the so called conversion therapy bans that bar exploration of gender identity also need to go away.

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Thank you, it has been a tough bunch of years for parents of neurodivergent kids who are so-called “gender nonconforming”. I’ve been relentlessly trying to protect my kid from this crazy nonsense. With retrospect I should have moved to a conservative area or left for Catholic school where we might have been safer. In any case, it’s wonderful to see experts coming out for common sense and calling out the bad science around gender ideology. Again, thanks so much for speaking up Dr Kaliebe!

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I see no need for a cost benefit analysis of cosmetic procedures. We should not be funding them, period. We don’t fund any other cosmetic procedures, even ones that are much less dangerous. People who want them - adults only, with serious gate-keeping and removal of all lies about these being medically necessary - must pay out of pocket for them. Otherwise, your suggestions are very good!

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The good news is: Title IX is still for women and girls. !!!

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I am in New York. I have an adopted, nuerodivergent child with multiple trauma history and mental illness. As a result, have had to interact with therapists, psychiatristists continually. I have not come across anything but affirming professionals. The first time my child attempted suicide, the inpatient psychiatrist in the first meeting, asked my child for a prefered name and gender. We have had to affirm ever since. Of course, my self-hating child was thrilled. Looking back, what we actually affirmed was the maladaptive dissociative response to her childhood of abandonment and trauma. It has made life for my child almost unbearable. He has attempted several times since and has had the added burden of non stop bullying and further alienation from his peers. I see a bleak future if she goes down the medical path. Where in New York can I find a therapist who is not on the affirming bandwagon?

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Have you tried Therapy First? https://www.therapyfirst.org/

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"More important than retribution is a restoration of competency, and eventually trust, in important institutions."

"No one is served by weakening our institutions. We need to reform and strengthen our schools, universities, medical system, journalism and government."


I am an unrepentant anti-Trumper who has no patience for revisionist interpretations of Donald Trump's first term and campaign rhetoric. More than any other person or factor, Trump has been responsible for unrelenting attacks on the nation's institutions that have greatly eroded Americans' trust in experts, expertise and the work of experts in government organizations.

It is difficult to say whether the justice system or our public health system suffered more from Trump's ceaseless lies and conspiracy theories. Each was a target for one simple reason: their work threatened to make Trump look bad. That is an unforgivable offense to the narcissist-in-chief.

The genesis of the assault on medical experts can be traced back to the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Then, for reasons known only to himself but very likely tied to Trump's compulsion to control his image, facts and reality be damned, came the steady drip, drip, drip of insinuations and conspiracies against every element of the public health establishment and their personification in the form of Dr. Fauci. Like all canny politicians, even stupid ones, Trump is adept at detecting when a winning political cause is percolating within the base. That is where a separate line of attack emerged, namely the paranoid conviction that COVID-related public health measures were an assault on Americans' God-given freedoms and possibly another step towards the declaration of a one-world gummint. Suddenly every yahoo who'd milked his old grifts dry was proclaiming from the rooftops "You ain't the boss of me." It wasn't just the worried public who welcomed the release of the COVID vaccine. Conspiracy theorists finally had enough grist to run their disinformation mills 24/7.

Nothing Trump said or did during the interregnum or his vile campaign did anything to restore the Trump base's trust in the state or federal medical and public heath establishment.

It isn't true that no one is served by weakening our institutions. The coming months will witness the apotheosis of one institution buster after another when they ascend to the highest ranks of the Trump administration as a reward for their outstanding work as wreckers.

How, then, will it ever be possible to bring about the "restoration of competency, and eventually trust, in important institutions" as long as Trump can still fog a mirror? Or is the foregoing assessment of Trump and Trumpism's lasting damage to institutions incorrect in some way?

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