Amazing. Thank you!

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Everyone should download the Toolkit and share widely.

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Thank you for your support!

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The "From 2017 to 2021" numbers are good for comparison but this stuff has been going on for longer then what the public has known so you need to go back further. You really need to do a generational comparison so compare 2023 to 2003 and not just 5-10 years back. This will more greatly demonstrate that something artificial has taken place in teh last generation of kids. My $$ is on a combination of public education + entertainment based indoctrination with contamination (physical poisoning) of our food & waiter. We all KNOW that thanks to federal corruption companies are able to sell us crap in our food and beverage that is not allowed in most nations on this planet.. We also KNOW that some of these are hormone based and can screw with the humans natural hormone balance.

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Thank you for your comment. I would love to see an investigation into all of the moneymakers and stakeholders involved in this.

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Thank you, Dr. J!

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