Jul 15Liked by Julie Hamill

Have you told this story in a podcast format? I'd love to hear it. If you haven't, I'd like to do the interview.

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Jul 14Liked by Julie Hamill

Having been from California, and being burned by both parties, I went Independent. I was literally attacked as a MAGA, snowflake, called both liberal and conservative...I am neither. I am not voting or participating in the current farce. Big Gov, Big Corp, Big Pharma, and division have convinced playing their way doesn't work. It needs to just cease. Do not comply is best way to go. Plan on becoming independent in everyway, not just political. Do not trust or have any faith in current paradigm. Need to find a new way. Everyone does.

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Jul 15Liked by Restore Childhood, Julie Hamill

Stay strong, Julie! Thank you for your voice and your advocacy. Some of us are working on the educational issues - I am contributing through my work on the Empowered Social Justice Resources for K-12 education. Learn more at: http://www.drtlee.com

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Formerly lifelong and registered Democrat and leftist also proudly voting for Trump in the election. What has happened to this country is horrifying and still hard for me to come to grips with and fully comprehend. In abstract terms yes but with the actual people we know who are not abstractions and who seem otherwise good. Hard to fully come to grips with. We are living in a dystopian novel or in a Solzhenitsyn book. All that is supposed to be “somewhere else”, not “here”, not “today”. Thank you for this post.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Julie Hamill

Thank you for sharing your unfortunate experiences with political opponents, smearing you in dishonest and dehumanizing ways. Especially with respect to challenging the status quo of the education establishment, which is not doing America any favors for the future of our children and society. I look forward to hearing more about your upcoming project and supporting your efforts. Keep up the good work! I say this also as a former resident of the South Bay in Southern California.

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You escaped!

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

I have a kid going into middle school who still has letter reversal problems due to missing second grade due to the Covid response.

When I look back on it the whole thing seems like a nightmare. My child's constant screaming because zoom school didn't work and the need for personal interaction. Me taking a walk at night, hearing what sounded like another child being abused by someone in the neighborhood next to mine. Then the ethnic riots with helicopters overhead. The images of delusional leftists several miles away with their hands in the air, harkening back to another media race hoax, when hours later the downtown was destroyed by roving mobs. I live in a relatively small city. It wasn't even covered in the national news.

Then the "our patience is wearing thin" speech, blaming people like me (unvaxxed) for Covid, which not only came from a lab, but was covered for using more race politics, as if it's less racist to say it came from a NIAID funded lab in Wuhan than it is to say that it came from Chinese people eating infected bats or whatever.

This is all so sick. I'm glad you have the strength to move forward with a more positive vision. I don't. I have reached the conclusion that this will never stop until leftists are subjected to their own poison. I want revenge.

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"Ethnic riots" - and you don't understand why we tell you you're racist? You don't see it? I can't understand how that's possible.

It is not racist to question if the virus' origin was located in China. It is *extremely* racist to ascribe it to the Chinese people in general.

"Delusional leftist artists with their hands in the air" - why can't you see yourself?

You are not being dehumanized. You are being judged - harshly, because we believe in your humanity, against all the evidence.

It sucks that your guy fumbled the COVID response. But those are *his* vaccines. He managed to get the vaccines done and distributed. We didn't do that. Joe Biden and Obama can't claim credit. Your guy really screwed up the first 3/4 of the game, but there at the very end, he saved it with minutes on the clock. It's Trump's vaccine, and all of us - as much as we loathe him - have faithfully gone and gotten it. And give grudging credit where credit is due.

He threw money at vaccine research... while demonizing the most celebrated public health virologist in the country. And the result is, we called bullshit on the demonizing, and you refused the vaccine.

The fact that you people don't trust his vaccine - the only thing he did that we don't despise - is unreal. You know a lot of us are convinced the only reason you refuse it is because we embrace it, and you just can't let go of your obstructionism even when it costs you your life. Ever since your guy politicized the mask mandates and half assed shutdowns, you've had the lions share of fatalities. That's one of the things we loathe him for - and we'd be laughing at you for doing this to yourselves in the name of ideology if there weren't so many of you dead.

For the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers: fine, have it your way. We will continue to mask and vax. All we ask from you is consistency. No vaccines for you, period. That includes polio, rabies, and smallpox.

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So you think you're a sorceress, can't identify ethnic ethnic riots when they're explicitly ethnic in nature, think it's racist for me to note the fact that they were, in fact, ethnic riots...

You cannot make the distinction between making an experimental medicine available and trying to use the federal government to mandate it for employees, have not yet caught on after more than four years that masks don't stop Covid... And you cannot make the distinction between the polio vaccine that has been used since the 1960s and an experimental transfection agent that was tested on eight mice.

I'm seeing a pattern here. Let me guess - you live off of other people's paychecks. You have a Humanities degree. You also think "math is hard barbie" is the reason you don't make as much as Jeff Bezos, despite having super important feelings.

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Reposting this because you're not going to make it all the way through the education I just unloaded on you:

Fun fact time.

You know what masks definitely stop?

Facial recognition technology.

But you never thought of that, did you, because you were in such an ass-busting rush to "own the libs." But if you've ever wondered how facial recognition technology was deployed so effectively after Jan 6, well. Now you know. It really was a bunch of lay people downloading footage from the news and running it through models trained on publicly available surveillance data. If you collectively had been in the habit of wearing masks regularly, like we were, it wouldn't have been nearly as easy to peg people as it was.

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> "So think you're a sorceress"

"Open Sorceress" is a very common reference to open-source software engineering.

"Explicitly ethnic in nature" - okay, which explicit ethnicity? What about when all of those other ethnicities showed up? (They were explicitly *civil rights* in nature. The fact that race and ethnicity were the patternistic basis of infringement of those civil rights was the thing being protested. "Stop killing Black people" could be better phrased as "Stop looking for people to kill because they are Black" but it's an attention span deficit thing on the part of the listener.)

Funny thing. I sat in on a call with hundreds of other startup founders from across the country being held by the former president of the World Bank, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, who is another global epidemiologist of the same level as Dr. Fauci. Together, they had saved the world from HIV in Africa, swine flu, Ebola, and SARS. Now they were faced with saving the world from COVID. They laid forth the steps that must be undertaken, in unison, to contain a highly contagious airborne virus like COVID. The thing is the four steps must be undertaken in unison. Half-assing it inflicts economic and interpersonal harm and doesn't do much to stop the spread of the virus. In typical American fashion, naturally, 49 states opted to half-ass it; hence, the call I was on was Dr. Kim soliciting us to pressure state legislature and governors to push the whole mile. Only Massachusetts pulled it off.)

I had a teacher in high school who was paralyzed from the waist down as a child by polio. He was among the last kids to be infected before the vaccine became widely available. To this day, polio eradication is currently being actively undertaken, for example, by teams sent to the mountains of Afghanistan at the border of Pakistan to do polio vaccinations. Unlike smallpox, polio was not eradicated, and places like that still have a problem with it. Even though the international teams stopped going out, **the fucking Taliban continued the program, and 9.4 million children were vaccinated against polio last year.**

That's right, even the Taliban knows better than you - a bunch of illiterate poppy farmers with AK-47s.

And nice try, son, but I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year. (It's kind of obvious, sorry.) I'm a consulting CTO with a patent on 8 inventions relating to a drone that stops bullets. I am a guest lecturer at 5 universities on AI/ML, robotics, sensor fusion, and practical AR/VR at the master's level; my white papers have been published by the IEEE. I've paid lobbyists, drafted public policy as an industry expert, and addressed Congress. And while we're on the topic, I own one ranch four miles north of I-10 in the Chihuahuan desert and another ranch at the foot of the Guadalupe mountains and guess what there isn't? A migrant "invasion." The only problem I've had comes from the vigilantes LARPing and trespassing across my property.

And my feelings have nothing to do with your death toll - the majority of those who've died of covid were Republicans, most of whom refused Trump's vaccine. Listen, if you want to self-select like that, you do you. I won't miss having to subsidize your hobo states and doling out for your corporate and DoD subcontractor welfare.

Fun fact time.

You know what masks definitely stop?

Facial recognition technology.

But you never thought of that, did you, because you were in such an ass-busting rush to "own the libs." But if you've ever wondered how facial recognition technology was deployed so effectively after Jan 6, well. Now you know. It really was a bunch of lay people downloading footage from the news and running it through models trained on publicly available surveillance data. If you collectively had been in the habit of wearing masks regularly, like we were, it wouldn't have been nearly as easy to peg people as it was.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Editing because my initial response was too crass. Have some more boosters and have a nice night.

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Also, it's spelled "pity" :) I'd think you'd know that since you get so much of it.

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My dad graduated sixth in his class from Northrup. Because the day before he was about to get drafted into 'Nam, being a poor, brown-skinned young man, he said to hell with it, and went to enlist instead. He was the tough guy none of you are capable of being.

So my first computer was a Commodore 64. I was in diapers when he put his hands over mine and taught me the load protocol - L shift O quote dollar sign quote comma eight. He was tired of me asking him to do it for me and I could read just fine. All he had to do was stack up the phone books so I could reach.

He voted for Trump. I'm so grateful he died when he did. He'd have been mortified. If you had any shame you would be, too.

And of course you didn't read any of it. I had students who, while they were in the Army, were working on that vaccine in its final testing stages. What's hilarious is you imbeciles have no idea where the smallpox vaccine came from, but if smallpox were released tomorrow, you'd be screaming for it.

Another funny thing about you: all of you seem to have this Dunning-Krueger confidence in your psychic powers. Do you not notice the arrogance and the likelihood that when you announce your prejudice to the world, odds are overwhelming you'll be wrong?

You could look up the Forbes article about me. Or Business Insider. There are actually several, I guess. But you won't. You're already drowning in your own cognitive dissonance and any more will push you right over the edge.

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