Once Upon a Time ... might follow tomorrow (the literal and perhaps figurative eclipse of the sun)
The psyops of evil germs stays in place. Captured media stays in place. POTUS selection stays in place. Corrupt courts stay in place. Legislatures compromised by private funds and revolving doors with industry stay in place. Technocracy subsuming technology stays in place. Geoengineering and directed energy weapons stay in place. United Nations Agenda 2030 for "sustainable development" stays in place. The quicksand of faux resistance allowing few salient victories stays in place. The undermining of our food supply stays in place. Widespread hunger lurks on our horizon.
Chaos from all angles heralds the New World Order. Poetslife addresses the legions of able-bodied men illegally crossing our borders and attributes all bad things to Islamic terrorists, but ignores covert actions by intelligence agencies and the illicit influx of Chinese and other nationals. However, the scenario of Poetslife's alarmist post could happen one way or another. He cites the valor of women warriors fighting for their lives in contrast with the duplicity of people locked in fear over a perceived threat from their wards. Metaphorically, I don't have an axe, but want at least a cleaver in my kitchen.
A bill, HR66435/S 3428, is on the table to decapitate a sacred cow--the mother of a stellium of lapdog cutouts including the WHO. [from Dr. Rima Laibow, psychiatrist widow of a major general who was Commandant of the US Army Intelligence Center and School]
Thank you for your work. I believe our cultural change is bred by agencies behind the Reset, or New World Order, or whatever we may call it. You tackle a critical part of this change. Here's a correction to info given:
"A bill, HR66435/S 3428, is on the table to decapitate a sacred cow--the mother of a stellium of lapdog cutouts including the WHO. [from Dr. Rima Laibow, psychiatrist widow of a major general who was Commandant of the US Army Intelligence Center and School]
Once Upon a Time ... might follow tomorrow (the literal and perhaps figurative eclipse of the sun)
The psyops of evil germs stays in place. Captured media stays in place. POTUS selection stays in place. Corrupt courts stay in place. Legislatures compromised by private funds and revolving doors with industry stay in place. Technocracy subsuming technology stays in place. Geoengineering and directed energy weapons stay in place. United Nations Agenda 2030 for "sustainable development" stays in place. The quicksand of faux resistance allowing few salient victories stays in place. The undermining of our food supply stays in place. Widespread hunger lurks on our horizon.
Chaos from all angles heralds the New World Order. Poetslife addresses the legions of able-bodied men illegally crossing our borders and attributes all bad things to Islamic terrorists, but ignores covert actions by intelligence agencies and the illicit influx of Chinese and other nationals. However, the scenario of Poetslife's alarmist post could happen one way or another. He cites the valor of women warriors fighting for their lives in contrast with the duplicity of people locked in fear over a perceived threat from their wards. Metaphorically, I don't have an axe, but want at least a cleaver in my kitchen.
War on the frontier:
A bill, HR66435/S 3428, is on the table to decapitate a sacred cow--the mother of a stellium of lapdog cutouts including the WHO. [from Dr. Rima Laibow, psychiatrist widow of a major general who was Commandant of the US Army Intelligence Center and School]
Thank you for your comment. These are all important issues.
Thank you for your work. I believe our cultural change is bred by agencies behind the Reset, or New World Order, or whatever we may call it. You tackle a critical part of this change. Here's a correction to info given:
"A bill, HR66435/S 3428, is on the table to decapitate a sacred cow--the mother of a stellium of lapdog cutouts including the WHO. [from Dr. Rima Laibow, psychiatrist widow of a major general who was Commandant of the US Army Intelligence Center and School]
https://drrimatruthreports.substack.com/p/must-watch-video-just-another-utterly "
PLEASE NOTE: HR66435 in the heading of the above link is actually HR6645
See this link for more information: