This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the Heterodox Academy and the University of South Florida, where I am a professor of psychiatry.
These two wonderful organizations have combined forces to present the Covid Conversations Conference next week, on December 6th and 7th, in Tampa, Florida.
We are bringing together scholars from across the country at USF for open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement, which is vital to understanding what really happened.
The conference is modeled on the Heterodox Conversations format, where scholars are paired and the conversation aims to:
Demonstrate how viewpoint diversity and constructive disagreement improves critical inquiry into complex topics.
Serve as a model of The HxA Way.
Showcase how academic conversations can work in a style that distinctively differs from competitive debates or one-sided lectures.
Ignite intellectual curiosity and continued growth toward becoming critical and independent thinkers
This is your opportunity to hear from thought leaders including incoming NIH director Dr.
(Stanford), Dr. (MIT, U of Southern Denmark), Dr. Sten Vermund (Yale and USF), and Dr. Alina Chan (MIT) having critical conversations about:The origins of COVID-19: Was it a natural spillover or a lab-related incident?
The successes and failures of mitigation strategies.
The role of science in policy decisions—and how to do better next time.
The challenge of communicating uncertainty in science without undermining trust.
We’re also speaking with virologists, epidemiologists, public health leaders, and communication experts who model how disagreement can be productive, not divisive.
Attend in-person or virtually for free— register below:
Sanity is finally winning. Hope to see you there,